Since the age of six, Françoise Abraham showed exceptional aptitudes for classical dancing.  Her talent caught the eyes of the professors from the Opera of Paris where she later studied at the highest level with a double curriculum in education and arts.  At the age of 16 she joined numerous famous dancing companies.

In parallel to her dancing career, she experimented with different forms of artistic expression.

She begins by creating furniture and decorative accessories.

It is by realizing furniture handles that she becomes familiar with resin, a substance she already knew from her childhood since her great grandparents had an innovative factory that produced plastic using milk casein. Her unique work is noticed and saluted by critics.

Françoise Abraham decides nevertheless to take it to the next step and focus on sculpting. Curious to discover new materials and skills, she learns how to carve stone the Pietra Santa way in Italy, after which she comes back to France to melt bronze at Girebronze in Massy, a foundry where she starts her first workshop.

Françoise Abraham rapidly develops a unique style, sculpting essentially women recognizable by their shapes, both stretched and generous where elegance, sensuality, and comedy come together.  The discipline she has acquired from her classical education, along with her wild spirit is observable in her early work where her eccentric style comes to life.

A style that Françoise Abraham does not wish to freeze.  As energetic and bold as her amazons with voluptuous shapes that made her famous, she continues to go forward and explore new territories with the joyous sensuality that makes her the way she is.



Modus Gallery Paris Art Passion Galerie Montpellier

Modus gallery Palm Beach Connoisseur USA
Modus Gallery  Convention Center
Prospering Paris
Stokking Gallery Den Haag Hollande
Salon de Verrières le Buisson Invitée d honneur
Galerie Rouge Bordeaux

Galerie Daudet Toulouse
Gallery Modus Art Fair Moscow/ Hong Kong

Gallery Modus Palm Beach USA / Sofa Chicago USA
Art Moscow/Art London
SNBA exhibition Paris, (médaille d’argent)

Bernard Mourier Galerie St Rémy de Provence
Modus Gallery Art & Design USA

Nogent sur Marnes Pavillon des Arts
Smelik & Stokking Gallery Hollande

Galerie Terre des Arts Paris
Ormesson St Brisson sur Loire

Galerie Espace de la Calende Rouen
Galerie Sarah Chalon
Musée Biblioteca National Bucarest Roumanie
Annet S/ Marne
Ballancourt invité d honneur

Galerie st Martin Arcachon
Vivendi Gallery Place des Vosges Paris
Galerie Wenwood Cholet

Chapelle Vendôme
Galerie Marciano Rivoli Paris
Galerie Damon
Galerie JL Moreau Lille
Gallery Domus Silicon Valley US
Musée Departmental de Barbizon

Champagne Palmer exhibition
« Elles au centre » exposition Meug sur Loire
Galerie Cours des Artistes Wissous
Galerie Riviera St Paul de Vence
Galerie JL Moreau
Vivendi Gallery Art Winwood Miami USA

Sist Gallery Art Basel Miami
Ruth Gallery Luxembourg Casino
Ruth Gallery  Contempory Art Fair Zurich Suisse
Ds la cours des Artistes – Pavillon des arts et du patrimoine
Chatenay Malabry

Livry Gargan Salle communale et jardins
Galerie Riviera St Paul de Vence

Invité d honneur salon international de Vittel

Maison & Objet  secteur Craft-métiers d’Art  Villepinte
Solo Exposition avec Lena Abraham
Plessis Robinson  Maison des Arts
Solo exposition Galerie Deza Roanne
Miami Art Palm Beach Vivendi gallery USA

Janv 19/23
   Maison & Objet  secteur Craft-Métiers d’Art Villepinte
Fev  15/19  Salon Comparaison. Cheffe du groupe : « De L’Inertie au Mouvement » Grand-Palais Éphémère Paris
Oct. Solo exposition Galerie JLM Moreau Lille

Janvier. Miami Art Palm Beach Vivendi gallery USA
Fev. Exposition Grd Palais éphémère Salon Comparaison . Cheffe du groupe de L’inertie au Mouvement.
Fev. Salon Comparaison. Cheffe du groupe : « De L’Inertie au Mouvement » Grand Palais Éphémère Paris
Fev. Lille Art Up Galerie JLM Moreau
Mars. Exposition « L’art du mouvement » VERRIERES LE BUISSON, Orangerie-Espace Tourlière
Avril. Luxembourg Art Fair Jackson Gallery
Juin. Domaine Pieracci Exposition . Exposition de groupe Domaine Pieracci . St Cyr sur Mer 83270
Septembre. Exposition Reims . Piré- Chancé 35150
Octobre. Château des Péres Galerie store – 35150 Piré-Chancé
Novembre. Galerie Deza  Art Montpellier stand A20
Novembre. Biennale des artistes de Verrières – Espace Bernard Mantienne 3 voie de l’aulne – 91370 Verrières le Buisson